
deep learning #2

딜레이라마 2017. 3. 5. 21:11

3.3.4 Python Namespaces Tutorial code often uses the following namespaces: 

import theano 

import theano.tensor as T 

import numpy 

3.4 A Primer on Supervised Optimization for Deep Learning 

What’s exciting about Deep Learning is largely the use of unsupervised learning of deep networks. But supervised learning also plays an important role. The utility of unsupervised pre-training is often evaluated on the basis of what performance can be achieved after supervised fine-tuning. This chapter reviews the basics of supervised learning for classification models, and covers the minibatch stochastic gradient descent algorithm that is used to fine-tune many of the models in the Deep Learning Tutorials. Have a look at these introductory course notes on gradient-based learning for more basics on the notion of optimizing a training criterion using the gradient.

3.4.1 Learning a Classifier

 Zero-One Loss

The models presented in these deep learning tutorials are mostly used for classification. The objective in training a classifier is to minimize the number of errors (zero-one loss) on unseen examples. If f : RD → 8 Chapter 3. Getting Started Deep Learning Tutorial, Release 0.1 {0, ..., L} is the prediction function, then this loss can be written as: 

Negative Log-Likelihood Loss Since the zero-one loss is not differentiable, optimizing it for large models (thousands or millions of parameters) is prohibitively expensive (computationally). We thus maximize the log-likelihood of our classifier given all the labels in a training set.

The likelihood of the correct class is not the same as the number of right predictions, but from the point of view of a randomly initialized classifier they are pretty similar. Remember that likelihood and zero-one loss are different objectives; you should see that they are corralated on the validation set but sometimes one will rise while the other falls, or vice-versa. Since we usually speak in terms of minimizing a loss function, learning will thus attempt to minimize the negative log-likelihood (NLL), defined as:

The NLL of our classifier is a differentiable surrogate for the zero-one loss, and we use the gradient of this function over our training data as a supervised learning signal for deep learning of a classifier. This can be computed using the following line of code :

3.4.2 Stochastic Gradient Descent

while True: 

loss = f(params) 

d_loss_wrt_params = ... # compute gradient 

params -= learning_rate * d_loss_wrt_params 

if : [stopping condition is met] :

return params 

Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) works according to the same principles as ordinary gradient descent, but proceeds more quickly by estimating the gradient from just a few examples at a time instead of the entire training set. In its purest form, we estimate the gradient from just a single example at a time.

The variant that we recommend for deep learning is a further twist on stochastic gradient descent using socalled “minibatches”. Minibatch SGD works identically to SGD, except that we use more than one training example to make each estimate of the gradient. This technique reduces variance in the estimate of the gradient, and often makes better use of the hierarchical memory organization in modern computers.

There is a tradeoff in the choice of the minibatch size B. The reduction of variance and use of SIMD instructions helps most when increasing B from 1 to 2, but the marginal improvement fades rapidly to nothing. With large B, time is wasted in reducing the variance of the gradient estimator, that time would be better spent on additional gradient steps. An optimal B is model-, dataset-, and hardware-dependent, and can be anywhere from 1 to maybe several hundreds. In the tutorial we set it to 20, but this choice is almost arbitrary (though harmless)

3.4.3 Regularization

 There is more to machine learning than optimization. When we train our model from data we are trying to prepare it to do well on new examples, not the ones it has already seen. The training loop above for MSGD does not take this into account, and may overfit the training examples. A way to combat overfitting is through regularization. There are several techniques for regularization; the ones we will explain here are L1/L2 regularization and early-stopping.
